Three ways to Embrace spring

Embracing Spring
Over the years I’ve been slowly learning to embrace the seasons as they transition from one to another. There was a time when I would have happily wished winter away for these lighter spring days, but realising that just like nature does, allowing myself to go a little slower over the darker months of winter helps store some energy for the brighter and warmer seasons ahead.
Spring is now in full swing with swarms of forget-me-knots, bluebells making a appearance under the shade of the forest trees, and daisies popping up amongst the grass everywhere you look. Bursts of sunshine amongst short flurries of rain turning the landscape a vibrant shade of green. After the slow and steady, restful months of winter, nature has fully woken up again, rejuvenated and energised.
“We’ve been rambling all this night
And some part of the day,
And now returning back again
We have brought you a branch of May”
The Magic of Hawthorn Blossom
In traditional British folklore, the 1st of May marks the celebration of Beltain. This is a period where all life is in a process of becoming; we’ve reached the peak of the Spring season, and the beginning of the transition into summer. Hawthorn is unanimous with this period, and was thought to be given as tokens of both friendship and love. It was said to help released blocked energy and stress, and allow for open-hearted communication.
Hawthorn blossom most abundant in our landscape in May would adorn garlands to hang outside houses to celebrate new growth during the lighter and more fruitful summer months. This beautifully imperfect thorny tree can live to a great age, usually found growing in the most wild of places.
In Celtic mythology hawthorn is one of the most sacred trees, symbolising love and protection. Shrouded in magic, and believed to be guarded by fairies it was always treated with great respect and care. Brides would traditionally collect fallen Hawthorn sprigs and flowers to be worn on their wedding day to represent their union of love.
Three Ways to Celebrate Spring
It’s clear to see why this vibrant season so full of energy and life has been celebrated throughout the centuries. I find this time of year is a great one for thinking about how we can celebrate this season shift from the peak of Spring into Summer, as well as lend nature a helping hand to thrive during the most abundant, light filled months. I’ve come up with a few simple ideas for celebrating this season of Springtime growth.

Bringing seasonal flowers or foliage into the house can be a lovely way to connect with what’s happening in nature, and bring a little outdoors into your daily life. It can be as simple as collecting wildflower blossom on a walk to keep in a vase by your bed at home so you’ll see it first and last thing. Or if you have a garden, or outdoor space, cutting a few seasonal blooms to enjoy as a celebration of this season.
After the darker months of Winter, the return of the light and longer days means there is an opportunity to align ourselves with the natural world. In the morning if you’re able to, getting a moment of natural light can really help boost our cardiac rhythms and kick start our natural body clock, helping us line up with natures rhythms.
Wearing jewellery inspired by the seasons is a beautiful way of connecting with the gradual shifts happening in the natural world. Having a small collection of nature inspired jewellery that links in with the current seasons, rather than wearing the same pieces all year round can help keep you grounded in the here and now, reminding you of the subtle changes nature is going through, that we’re so intrinsically a part of.
Spring Inspired Jewellery
Wearing seasonal jewellery this time of year reminds me that although Spring is at it’s peak, more blossom and wildflowers brimming with life are on the way as we head towards the longest and brightest days of the year at Midsummer.
The Hawthorn Blossom jewellery in the Flora and Fauna collection pays subtle homage to these traditional Spring celebrations, treasuring the beauty and wonders of nature with a gentle hint of romanticism. They are a delicate wearable reminder of the beauty in the ever-changing landscape of nature.